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Why Jeevandeep Ayurveda for treating “Indigestion”?

  • Recommends soothing teas.
  • Guide with correct food to enable pitta balance.
  • Helps you get a change in lifestyle for improvements.
  • Customizable herbs for indigestion.

Know about “Indigestion”

Do you suffer from indigestion?
If you answered yes to this question, then it's likely that you've been dealing with the symptoms of indigestion for a while. You may be feeling bloated, nauseous, and/or just plain uncomfortable.

Indigestion is a common condition that affects millions of people every day. It can cause stomach aches, gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. The most common symptom of indigestion is abdominal pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen.

It can be difficult to tell if your symptoms are due to indigestion or something else entirely. The best way to find out if it’s indigestion is to talk with your doctor about what you're experiencing so they can help point you in the right direction for treatment.

Why Choose Jeevandeep Ayurveda







Indigestion Can be Caused by a Variety of Factors, Including:
  • Consuming an excessive amount of alcoholic beverages.
  • Too much coffee or caffeine-containing beverages too many carbonated or bubbly drinks.
  • Eating too quickly or too much at a meal.
  • Meals that are hot, fatty, or greasy.
  • Foods high in acidity, such as tomatoes, tomato products, and oranges feeling stressed smoking.
You may have one or More of the following Symptoms if you have Indigestion:
  • Bloating burping soreness.
  • A burning sensation, or discomfort in your upper belly feeling full too fast.
  • When eating a meal feeling uncomfortably full after eating a meal.
  • Upper abdominal discomfort - You are experiencing mild to severe discomfort between the bottom of your breastbone and your belly button.
  • Upper abdominal burning - You get a burning or stinging feeling between the bottom of your breastbone and your belly button.
  • Upper abdominal bloating - You get an uneasy feeling of constriction in your upper abdomen.
  • Nausea. You have the want to vomit.

Why one should not delay treatment for “Indigestion”?

Some of the reasons below are mentioned below if “Indigestion” is delayed.

  • Appetite loss or weight loss.
  • Vomiting often or vomiting blood.
  • Thick, black stools.
  • Swallowing issues that worsen over time.
  • Weakness or exhaustion, which might be signs of anemia.
  • Sweating, chest discomfort that radiates to the jaw, neck, or arm, or shortness of breath.
  • Chest discomfort with stress or during exercise.