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Why Jeevandeep Ayurveda for Yoga Mudras?

  • Formulated yoga mudras by Ayurveda Experts who have served the community for more than 30 years.
  • Helps you gain control over your body and mind.
  • Helps you get rid of all problems related to different types of yoga mudras.
  • Our practices are safe and effective for all ages!

About Yoga Mudras

Yoga Mudras, also known as Yoga sign language is a form of body language that uses hand positions to convey the meaning of a word. This is especially useful when you are learning a new language.

Yoga mudras are used in conjunction with the spoken word. The hands and arms can act as an interface for the mind, allowing you to receive and send messages without using your mouth. You can practice yoga mudras while reading or writing, or even while watching TV!

When you do Yoga mudras you will be able to do more advanced poses by getting into the right position quickly and knowing what movement is coming next. You will see how much better your body feels because of improved posture and breathing problems. You will probably want to start with simple one (like open and pointing) but once you get the hang of that, there is really no limit to what you can do. You can practice yoga mudras anywhere in the car, at work, even in the toilet!

Why Choose Jeevandeep Ayurveda







The passage of energy via your acupuncture system is altered by yoga mudras. All of your acupuncture meridians start and terminate in your hands or feet. When you move your hands and fingers, you practically shift the prana in your body. This is analogous to rewiring the delicate currents.

  • Your thumbs stimulate the lung meridian.
  • Your pointer fingers stimulate the meridian of your big intestine.
  • Your circulatory sex meridian is activated by your middle fingers.
  • Your ring fingers are responsible for activating your triple warmer meridian.
  • Your tiny fingers stimulate the meridians of your heart and small intestine.

In yoga, your energy body, known as pranamayakosha, actually governs your physical body. Your acupuncture meridians, chakras, and breath are all part of your pranamayakosha. By rearranging your hands and fingers, you may divert the flow of energy via your pranamayakosha and so shift your whole mind-body experience.

  • Gyan Mudra helps in improving concentration levels, eases anxiety, lower depression and brings positive feelings.
  • Namaskar Mudra helps in creating balance inside the body.
  • Vayu mudra helps to relieve ailments from bloating, constipation and other digestive disorder and chest pain.
  • Dhyana Mudra helps to achieve control over the mind.
  • Prana mudra helps to improve blood circulation, lowering BP, Stronger the immune system.

When to use Yoga Mudras?

  • When want to the breakdown of excess fat, increase metabolism and control obesity.
  • To improve digestion.
  • To strengthens the body.
  • To reduce stress and tension.
  • To Reduce high cholesterol levels.